Realtor in MA
(978) 460-1369
[email protected]

Jason Rickman

Field Service Director

A little bit about me...

Jason Rickman is the field service director and oversees the field work from pre-listing to closing. He has extensive knowledge in real estate, construction, property maintenance, plumbing and electrical systems as well as heating, ventilation and air conditioning. At OWN IT, our goal is for the client to have a stress-free home selling experience. Jason will handle the coordination of any contractors or vendors needed to prepare your home for listing. He also attends to every appraisal, home inspection and meets any other contractors that may need to go onsite to your property. When Jason isn’t out making clients happy or saving the day, he enjoys spending time with his family, attending kids sporting events and cruising Lake Murray on his Premier Tri-Pontoon with his 2 goldendoodles.


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"It was a no brainer working with you. I had a great experience when we buying our home, and so immediately reached back out when we sold our home! Thank you so much for everything!"
"My home just sold way over asking price in less than a week! The experience I had went over and beyond anything I was expecting. In my opinion, best Realtor to deal with."
"My wife & I have moved 7 times in the last 30 years. We've dealt with many realtors but I have to say that this experience puts the rest to shame. If you are buying or selling a home, do yourselves a favor and look no further

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A little bit about me...

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